Tammy: Look, everybody is here! Why?
Alex: Tammy, this is the magic island!
Tammy: I’m so excited!

Mr Easel: Mr Cricket, you’re so lazy!
Mr Cricket: Mr Easel, you’re so fat, again!
Eagle: Look at Harry. He can’t fly!
Harry: Yes, but Daffy can’t run! He’s so slow!
He’s the slowest of all the animals!
Daffy: Yes, but I’m not the weakest.
Look at Earl, the squirrel.
He can’t swim! He’s so short and weak!
Earl: Stop calling names! Friends don’t fight.
Remember! Everybody’s unique!
Owl: It’s not cool, it’s not polite. Calling names is impolite.
Earl & Owl: You know it isn’t right!
Be kind, be nice, live in
a world that you like!