Henry: Ok, swimming starts at 9 o’clock. Are you ready?
Animals: Yes, Henry!
Daffy: I love swimming!
Earl: I don’t! This is hard!
Henry: It’s 10 o’clock. You must go to the running class now, Daffy.
Daffy: Ok, let me try. Oh, I can’t run! I don’t like running.
Harry: Don’t be lazy, of course you can run! I love running!
Earl: Running is easy! This is fun!
Henry: It’s 11.30, flying starts. Come on, Harry, fly!
Harry: Oh, no! Flying is hard for me.
Eagle: Don’t be angry, Harry!
Earl: Come on, Harry, let’s try. This is hard for me too!
Henry: It’s 12.30. Time for climbing, everybody!
Cole: Oh, no, I can’t climb...
Earl: Don’t be sad. I can help you. Join me, Cole.
Cole: Thank you! You’re a good friend!
Animals: Everybody can do something but together we can do everything!