Yuri: Lena, look! It’s a book on Greek mythology!
Daedalus: Hello, kids! I’m Daedalus! Let me
tell you my story...

Minos, the king of Crete, is looking at his new palace.
Daedalus: King Minos, your palace is ready.
Minos: Wow, it looks so great! Nice work, Daedalus. Thank you!
Daedalus: You’re welcome, my king.
Minos: The Minotaur can do no harm now.
That monster is so dangerous!
Daedalus: Yes, he is. He’s got a bull’s
head and a man’s body.
Minos: That’s right. But now he can’t escape.
Daedalus: Of course not! No one can escape from that huge maze.
The people of Crete are safe now.
You don’t need me anymore. I can go back home with my son, Icarus.
Minos: Back home? I can’t let you leave!
Guards! Put them in prison right away!