Icarus: Wow! Our wings are so big!
Daedalus: Yes, they are. Now, remember. Stay close to me...
...and one more thing. Don’t fly near
the sun. The sun will melt the wax.
Icarus: Don’t worry!
Hooray! Flying is super!
Look, dad! The palace is so small
now... and those guards are so tiny!
Look at me! I’m flying like a bird.
I like to fly, fly, fly
round and round.
I like to fly, fly, fly
up and down.
I like to fly, fly, fly
up and round.
Up, up, up, up, up!
I can fly really high!
Daedalus: Icarus, be careful! You’re getting close to the sun.
Icarus: What’s happening? I’m falling down. Help! Help!
Daedalus: The wax is melting!
Icarus: I’m falling into the sea...Oh, no!
Daedalus: Icarus! My son!