... legends, full of mystery and well-kept secrets that have lasted over the centuries. We know that man made some of them, nature made others... some were even built using mountains as a foundation! ... Now, we usually think of pyramids as something exclusively Egyptian, but nothing could be further from the truth! Let’s take a look at Egypt: 90 pyramids there, 100,000 men worked for 20 years to complete the largest one, the one that was King Khufu’s tomb. What about China? Believe it or not, there are pyramids there, too. One of them – the White Pyramid – is the largest in the world: 300m tall! Wow! Now, these pyramids were made of dirt, and some even had trees planted on them – from far away you might think they were mountains! They were used as royal tombs or as observatories from which the Chinese could study the skies and the stars. Let’s move on to Europe now. One of the newest – maybe the newest – pyramid is in France! Very modern and very impressive. It’s at a height of 22m and it was constructed in 1989. What strikes visitors about this pyramid is that it is made of glass and metal! You can see right through it! Now, where exactly is it? Well, if you visit the Louvre, you can’t miss it – it’s right in front of the main entrance. Greece is a country well-known for its beautiful classical structures, lovely ancient temples, white marble, you all know the Parthenon. What if I told you that there are also 16 small pyramids in Greece? Unbelievable? Well, it’s true! Now, as I said they’re not big, just about the size of a house. One of them is very old, built in the year 2720 BC! Even older than King Khufu’s pyramid in Egypt! These pyramids are made of stone and unfortunately most of them are not in very good condition. In nearby Turkey, high up on the peak of Mount Nemrut, a pyramid of 50m exists ...