Anne: Why Tom!...Hello!...Look at you! You’ve got quite a tan!... And…what…I thought you said you had to work this summer… Tom: Well, believe it or not, my boss did give me those two weeks off, after all. So, I packed my bags and ran off to Greece before he could change his mind! Ha! Ha! Ha! Anne: You didn’t go to Greece… Tom: Actually, it was an adventure cruise in Greece! Really amazing! Probably the best trip of my life! Anne: Well, you never mentioned anything to me… Tom: It happened so fast, I didn’t… Anne: … and you couldn’t tell me? Anyway, what did you do? Tom: Well, we visited all these beautiful islands, Paros, Naxos, Tinos, Mykonos, Santorini… Anne: Mykonos? You went to Mykonos? Tom: Yes, I did some waterskiing there and wakeboarding and paragliding in Paros! It was the best! Anne: Really…well, where did you get the money? Tom: It isn’t as expensive as it sounds! You should try it next summer! Anne: Well, I just might!...You didn’t learn any Greek words did you? Tom: As a matter of fact I did! “Kalimera sas” which means “Good morning” and “Efharisto” which means “thank you”. Anne: Yeah, … well … ‘efharisto’ to you for letting me know all about your lovely trip! …