Today we are going to look at the lives of six famous physicists whose ideas have changed the world. Here we see:
1) A man that Einstein called the father of modern science, Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, astronomer, and astrologer,. In order to perform his experiments, Galileo had to set up standards of length and time. For measurements of particularly short intervals of time, Galileo sang songs with whose timing he was familiar.
2) Many people regard Newton, as the greatest person in the history of science From 1670 to 1672, Newton taught courses at Cambridge University. Newton died in London on March 20, 1727, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
3) James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish mathematician and physicist. He is also known for creating the first true colour photograph in 1861. At school in Edinburgh his classmates thought he wasn't very clever and so they called him 'Dafty'.
4) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German physicist and one of the most important physicists of the twentieth century. At first, he didn't accept Einstein's theory of light and this put the theory of electrodynamics back by decades. His family say that he used to read a lot in bed and kept his glasses on while he was sleeping.
5) Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist. He is best known for the theory of relativity (and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2), but when he left university he could not find a teaching post and so the father of a classmate helped him to get a job as a technical assistant examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902.