Teacher: At the top of the painting you can see a church and some small houses. A woman and two of the houses stand upside- down. On the right there is a farmer’s head coloured green. You can see his cap on the top right-hand corner. His eye, as you can see, is connected with a line to the cow’s eye on the left. What does this line symbolize, really? Right in the middle of the cow’s head there is a woman milking a cow. So we’ve got two cows in the painting. There’s also a strange face at the top of the painting, in the church, and one more man below the houses. Don’t you think that the picture is a bit strange?
Pupil: Yes, Miss. The painter remembers his village and he has so many things in his mind. Maybe he can’t remember it very well.
Teacher: Mmm, I think he wants to tell us that his memories are nostalgic and magical, like in a fairy tale. Now, let’s move to the bottom of the painting…look over here, children, the farmer is holding a small branch of tree…