Susan: Good morning, Nadine! Wow, it’s late. I was tired from yesterday’s train trip from London. What are you doing?
Nadine: Oh, hi, Susan. I’m making Christmas decorations and my little brother is helping me.
Susan: You’re making Christmas decorations! How come?
Nadine: Well, we usually buy them at the stores but this year we are making them ourselves. Come and see… I’m using my mother’s biscuit moulds and some clay. After they dry, we spray them with gold, silver and green colour and …voila! Some of them are ready. Look at the different shapes: angels, bells, trees, balls, stars… Others are already hanging on the Christmas tree. Don’t they look great!
Susan: Wow! Yes, they do! It’s a very good idea! We usually buy them at the supermarket but they are so expensive! And it is certainly less fun like making them on your own. Can I help you make some more?
Nadine: Sure, join in!